Skin Cancer Symposium 2-day training event in Stockholm

Skin Cancer Symposium

Caption: Speakers from the left: Dr Karina Schultz, Dr Elinor Nemlander, Professor Cliff Rosendahl, Associate Professor Amanda Oakley, Dr Chris Boberg, and Dr Andrew MacGill.

8 September 2023

Improving skin lesion diagnosis: Dermicus collaborates with Skin Cancer Symposium and hosted a successful 2-day training event. The event, held on September 6th and 7th in Stockholm, brought together a diverse audience of medical practitioners, including GPs and dermatologists, underscoring the shared interest in this vital area of healthcare and the commitment to continuous learning.

Skin health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet diagnosing skin lesions accurately remains a challenge for many medical professionals. general practitioners (GPs), who are often the first point of contact for patients with skin concerns, receive limited formal training in dermatology. Dermatologists, on the other hand, can greatly benefit from ongoing education and exposure to new techniques. Recognizing this need, Dermicus recently partnered with the renowned Skin Cancer Symposium to organize a comprehensive 2-day training event aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills in skin lesion diagnosis.

The 2-day training sessions were expertly led by Professor Cliff Rosendahl from the University of Queensland, Australia, and Associate Professor Amanda Oakley from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Dr Chris Boberg and Dr Andrew MacGill provided practical insights into the day-to-day application of dermatoscopy, a crucial diagnostic tool in dermatology. Notable guest speakers from Sweden, including Dr Elinor Nemlander, GP, and Dr Karina Schultz, dermatologist, shared insights into the teledermatoscopy model of care implemented in Region Stockholm.

Beyond clinical education, the event fostered valuable discussions on the future of technology in dermatoscopy and explored the regulatory differences in healthcare systems across various countries. Dermicus acknowledges the support of another sponsor, L’Oréal, whose contribution played a pivotal role in making this inaugural training event a success.

Dermicus and Skin Cancer Symposium are committed to continuing their collaboration to further advance the field of dermatology and equip medical professionals with the knowledge and skills needed for accurate skin lesion diagnosis. They are working to organize future events in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe.

About Dermicus

Dermicus is a digital health company that helps its clients transform the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions with solutions for teledermatology, telewoundcare and skin imaging. Their mission is to help healthcare providers re-engineer the diagnostic and treatment processes of skin conditions with purpose-built technology and proven implementation methods. The Dermicus platform is flexible and built to be configured to different care settings including hospitals, dermatology practices, primary care centres, pharmacies, nursing homes, visiting nursing.

For more information, please visit our website at

About Skin Cancer Symposium

The Skin Cancer Symposium, Auckland, New Zeeland, is renowned for its commitment to excellence in skin cancer education. With decades of experience and research, it offers accredited and highly practical courses led by leading skin cancer experts, providing medical professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to diagnose and manage skin cancer effectively.