EU conference on cancer in Stockholm
Caption: A new brochure by The Confederation of Regional Cancer Centres (RCC) in Sweden describes RCC’s work in the areas of cancer prevention and early detection, including teledermatoscopy – distributed at the exhibition stand on the Conference on Cancer 1 February 2023.
8 February 2023
On 1 February 2023, Swedish healthcare was highlighted by Swecare in an exhibition at Conference on Cancer under the Swedish EU Presidency in Stockholm. Region Stockholm and the Dermicus implementation – the region’s new care process for teledermatology – was part of the exhibition.
The Conference on Cancer under the Swedish EU Presidency in Stockholm 1 February 2023 builds on the new EU Beating Cancer Plan from 2021, and focuses on three main areas: prevention, early detection and data-driven cancer care. The Confederation of Regional Cancer Centres (RCC) in Sweden were an key member of the exhibition.
The stand showed five successful examples of how RCC has achieved greater equality in the areas of cancer prevention with early detection and teledermatoscopy processes. Elinor Nemlander, specialist in general medicine, at RCC Region Stockholm, talked about the advantages and opportunities of teledermatoscopy, see pdf.
Teledermatoscopy for greater equality
As part of the initiative of The Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan– eradicating inequalities in cancer care – a brochure was also produced that describes RCC’s work in the areas of early detection of skin cancer with the title: Swequal cancer care – 5 ways towards greater equality in cancer prevention and early detection in Sweden.
“Faster and better diagnosis no matter where the patient lives. Fewer unnecessary operations and pathology tests means less pressure on the healthcare system.”
Teledermatoscopy was highlighted as one of the five ways in the new RCC brochure, see pdf Swequal cancer care
The entire conference can be accessed afterwards: Equity, excellence and innovation – modern cancer care for all, European Commission.
See also, news, article from the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, 1 February 2023: High-level conference on the aim to eradicating inequalities within cancer care in the EU.
Read more RCC, The Confederation of Regional Cancer Centres in Sweden, RCC news post (in Swedish), 2 February 2023.
About Swecare
Swecare is a membership organization and a platform for key players within Swedish health care and creates meeting places where the Swedish life science sector can strengthen their international relationships. Read more at