Dermicus among Sweden top 10

Dermicus Telderma app

16 January 2023

Dermicus, formerly referred to as Gnosco, was ranked in the top 10 digital health firms in Sweden according to The Swedish news service Digital Hälsa’s annual ranking list “DH 120” in the category “fast growth”. This is a yearly ranking of the economic development of 120 Swedish companies that are focused on e-health and the digitization of health services, healthcare, and social care.

“We are honored to be recognized among the fast growth category. This is a tribute to the collaboration we have created with our clients who are using Dermicus in large regional deployments to bring benefits to the their patients and healthcare providers,“ says Dermicus CEO Peter Kinhan.

Dermicus is a digital health company that helps its clients transform the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions. With our clients Region Skåne and Region Stockholm we are working with two of the largest teledermatology implementations in Europe and exclusively on Dermicus’ platform.

Read more (in Swedish) Digital Hälsa, 21 December 2022: DH 120: Growing staff and turnover in the e-health industry – generated SEK 15 billion