Research project in AI and skin cancer receive Vinnova funding
9 June 2022
Gnosco, Skåne University Hospital and Chalmers Industriteknik have been granted funding by Sweden’s Vinnova Fund through Swelife and Medtech4Health – Collaborative projects for better health autumn 2021. The project, which runs over 21 months, has been awarded SEK 2.4 million and will develop and validate AI in existing patient flows for the diagnosis of skin cancer.
Malignant melanoma and other skin cancers are the fastest growing of all cancers. For earlier detection and more efficient care, there is a need to utilise new tools. Since the autumn of 2020 a research project by Åsa Ingvar has been underway with research colleagues in Skåne, named “Teledermoscopy and artificial intelligence: implementation in clinical practice”. This new project aims to evaluate how the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer can be improved with the help of teledermatoscopy and artificial intelligence (AI). The project, that has now been granted funding by Vinnova, is a collaboration between Gnosco, Skåne University Hospital and Chalmers Industriteknik. Karolinska University Hospital also participates through the existing research collaboration with Skåne University Hospital.
The goal is to develop algorithms that handle diagnoses of several different types of skin cancer. The algorithms will then be implemented in a care process for teledermatology, using the digital platform Dermicus, and validated in clinical practice.
The Project (Diary number 2021-04825) is ongoing during the period 1 April 2022 until 31 December 2023. In total, Vinnova allocates SEK 2 469 045 to the project.
Read more in this press release (in Swedish) 8 June 2022.