The IOW NHS in UK and Region Stockholm Sweden first to implement Dermicus for all health centres

Teledermatoskopi överarm

27 January 2021

Gnosco has won a tender for the supply of the teledermatology platform for Region Stockholm. GPs, for all 220 health centres in the region, will be able to document and photograph skin changes with a mobile phone and send them securely to skin specialists for remote expert assessment and diagnosis. The IOW NHS in UK and Region Stockholm Sweden are first to implement Dermicus at all their health centres.

The implementation in Region Stockholm will start during the Spring of 2021, with health centers gradually receiving training and going live on the teledermatology platform.

In 2019, Region Skåne was the first region in Sweden to procure Gnosco’s Dermicus teledermatology platform. Now Region Stockholm is the second. A third of the population in Sweden, 3.4 million, lives in these two regions.

In the UK, the Isle of Wight NHS Trust with a population of 144.000, is first to implement the Dermicus teledermatology platform for early diagnosis of skin cancer. Since May 2020 all the 14 GP practices on the island is using the platform.

Read more in this press release in English January 27, 2021 at MyNewsdesk.